
(revised in 05.2010)

Symbol Meaning
(P) Poster
(O) Oral
(I) Invited

118. “Multilayer structure of nitrogen adsorbed on graphite” B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, M.Roth, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-10, May 23-28, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (2010) 117. “Adsorbtion of simple gazes in finite-size pores” L. Firlej, B.Kuchta, J.Jagiello, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-10, May 23-28, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (2010) 116. “Characterization of sub-nm pores in carbons by inelastic neutron scattering” R.J.Olsen, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P.Pfeifer, H.Taub, C.Wexler, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-10, May 23-28, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (2010) 115. “Adsorbtion of hydrogen in boron substituted carbon-based porous materials” L. Firlej, B.Kuchta, P.Pfeifer, C.Wexler, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-10, May 23-28, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (2010) 114. “Adsorption of hydrogen in chemically modified carbon nanopores. Experimental results versus Monte Carlo study” C.Wexler, P.Pfeifer, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-10, May 23-28, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (2010) 113. “Adsorption of methane-mercaptane mixtures in carbon nanopores” B. Kuchta, M.Golebiowska, L. Firlej, P.Pfeifer, C.Wexler, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-10, May 23-28, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (2010) 112. “Adsorption of methane-mercaptane mixtures in carbon nanopores” M.Golebiowska, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M.Roth, C.Wexler, Conference: 2010 APS March Meeting March 15–19, 2010; Portland, OR, USA 111. “Adsorbtion of hydrogen in boron substituted nanoporous carbons” L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, Sz.Roszak, P.Pfiefer, C.Wexler, Conference: 2010 APS March Meeting March 15–19, 2010; Portland, OR, USA 110. “Teracosane (C24H50) trilayers physisorbed onto the basal plane of graphite: perpendicular patches” M.Roth, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, C.Wexler, Conference: 2010 APS March Meeting March 15–19, 2010; Portland, OR, USA 109. “Molecular dynamics simulations of tetracosane (C24H50) bilayers physisorbed onto the basal plane of graphite” M.Roth, E.Maldonado, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, C.Wexler, Conference: 2010 APS March Meeting March 15–19, 2010; Portland, OR, USA 108. “Characterization of Sub-nm Pores in Carbon by Inelastic Neutron Scattering” R.J. Olsen, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P. Pfeifer, H. Taub, C. Wexler, Conference: 2010 APS March Meeting March 15–19, 2010; Portland, OR, USA 107. “Ultrananopores in carbons by boron-neutron capture and their effect on H2 storage” J.Romanos, D.Robertson, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, C.Wexler, P.Pfeifer, Conference: 2010 APS March Meeting March 15–19, 2010; Portland, OR, USA 106. “Hydrogen storage in engineered carbon nanospaces: experimental results and theoretical/computational analysis.”(O) C. Wexler, J. Burress, R. Cepel, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P. Pfeifer, International Symposium “Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids”, ISSHAC-7, July 5-11, 2009, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 105. "Heterogeneity of nitrogen multilayer structures adsorbed on graphite.” (O) L. Firlej, M.Golebiowska, B. Kuchta, and R.Fabianski, Conference: International Symposium “Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids”, ISSHAC-7, July 5-11, 2009, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 104. “Influence of structural heterogeneity of nano-porous sorbent walls on hydrogen storage.”(O) B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, R. Cepel, C. Wexler, P.Pfeifer, Conference: International Symposium “Effects of Surface Heterogeneity in Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids”, ISSHAC-7,July 5-11, 2009, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 103. “Designing a perfect nano-porous sorbent for hydrogen storage.”(O) B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, C. Wexler, P. Pfeifer, Conference: 5th International Workshop "Characterization of Porous Materials: from Angstroms to Millimeters", June 24-26, 2009, New Brunswick, NJ, USA 102. “Quantum energy levels of hydrogen adsorbed on nanoporous carbons: an intrinsic probe for pore structure.”(P) R. Cepel, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P. Pfeifer, C. Wexler, Conference: 5th International Workshop: Characterization of Porous Materials, June 24-26, New Brunschwig, NJ, USA, 2009. 101. “Quantum energy levels of hydrogen adsorbed on nanoporous carbons.”(P) R.Cepel, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P. Pfeifer, C. Wexler, Conference: 1st UM Energy Summit, April 22-23, 2009, Columbia, MO, USA 100. “Structural and energetic factors in designing a perfect nano-porous sorbent for hydrogen storage.”(P) B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, R.Cepel, C. Wexler, P. Pfeifer, Conference: 1st UM Energy Summit, April 22-23, 2009, Columbia, MO, USA 99. “Structural and energetic factors in designing a perfect nano-porous sorbent for hydrogen storage.”(O) B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, C. Wexler,P. Pfeifer, Conference: 2009 APS March Meeting March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 54 (1) W27.00014 98. “Quantum energy levels of hydrogen adsorbed on nanoporous carbons: an intrinsic probe for pore structure, and improving Monte Carlo simulations of adsorption.”(O) R.Cepel, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P. Pfeifer, C. Wexler, Conference: 2009 APS March Meeting March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 54 (1) W27.00013 97. “Test of the universality of the scaling energy in alkanes based on the melting transition of monolayers adsorbed on graphite.”(O) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M.W. Roth, C. Wexler, Conference: 2009 APS March Meeting, March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 54 (1) Z18.00007 96. “Heterogeneity of nitrogen multilayers adsorbed on graphite.” (O) M.Gołębiowska, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M.W. Roth Conference: 2009 APS March Meeting March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 54 (1) Z18.00002 95. ”All-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations of partial pentane and hexane films on graphite.”(O) M. Kaspar, M.W. Roth, C.Wexler, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, Conference: 2009 APS March Meeting March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 54 (1) Z18.00010 94. “The role of local domain formation in the melting of hexane adlayers on graphite.”(O) M.W. Roth, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, C.Wexler, Conference: 2009 APS March Meeting March 16–20, 2009; Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 54 (1) Z18.00008 93. "All - atom Molecular Dynamics simulations of tetracosane (C24H50 ) monolayers adsorbed on graphite." (O) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, C.Wexler, M.W. Roth, M.J. Connolly, P. A. Gray, Central States Universities Incorporated Research Conference, November 7-8, 2008, Argonne, IL, USA 92. "Explicit - hydrogen Molecular Dynamics simulations of various alkanes on graphite at submonolayer coverages: towards percolation.” (O) M.Kaspar, M.W. Roth, C.Wexler, L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Paul A.Gray, Central States Universities Incorporated Research Conference, November 7-8, 2008, Argonne, IL, USA 91. “Phase transitions in nitrogen adsorbed on graphite revisited.” (O) M. Golebiowska, R. Fabianski, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, 11th International Conference “Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids”, ERPOS-11, July 13-17, 2008, Piechowice,Poland 90. “Molecular Dynamics study of tetracosane monolayers adsorbed on graphite.” (O) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M.W. Roth, C. Wexler, 11th International Conference “Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids”, ERPOS-11, July 13-17, 2008, Piechowice, Poland 89. “Modeling of alkanes adsorbed on graphite.” (O) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M.W. Roth, C. Wexler, Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2008, June 23-28, 2008, Piechowice ,Poland 88. "Molecular Dynamics study of tetracosane monolayers adsorbed on graphite."(O) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, M.W. Roth, Paul A. Gray and Carlos Wexler, 2008 APS March Meeting, March 10-14, 2008, New Orleans, LA ,USA 87. “Quantum effects : adsorption and phase diagram of rare gases in carbon nanotubes.” (O) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-9, Sicily, Italy (2007) 86. “CCl4 layers adsorbed on graphite: order-disorder transition.” (P) M. Marzec, L. Firlej, B. Kuchta , Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-9, Sicily, Italy (2007) 85. “ Adsorption mechanism in heterogeneous pores.” (O) B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, Conference: Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-9, Sicily, Italy(2007) 84. “Phase transitions in confined geometry.” (I) B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, Conference: Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Wrocław, Poland(2006) 83. “Adsorption in Cylindrical Pores: Mixed Lattice-Site/Off-Site Monte Carlo Simulations in Pores with Heterogenous Wall Structure.” (P) M.Marzec, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, P.Boulet, Conference: ISSHAC-6, Zakopane, Poland (2006) 82. “Structural Properties of CCl4 Layers Adsorbed on Graphite Surface: Low Temperature Metastability and Order-Disorder Transition.” (P) M. Marzec, B. Kuchta, L. Firlej, Conference: ISSHAC-6, Zakopane, Poland (2006) 81. “Melting Mechanism of Monolayers Adsorbed in Cylindrcal Pores: an Influence of the Pore Wall Roughness.” (O) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, P.Boulet, M.Johnson, Conference: ISSHAC-6, Zakopane, Poland (2006)

80. “Melting transitions of monolayers adsorbed in cylindrical nanopores.” (O) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Conference: Mesoporous Materials, Canada (2005) 79. “Mechanism of adsorption in cylindrical nanopore.” (O) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Conference: Mesoporous Materials, Canada (2005) 78. “Multilayer adsorption of nitrogen layers on graphite.” (P) R.Fabianski, B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Conference on Porous Solids COPS-VI, Aix-en Provence, France, (2005) 77. “Melting of atomic layers.”(O) L .Firlej, B. Kuchta, Conference on Porous Solids COPS-VI, Aix-en Provence, France, (2005) 76. “Phase transitions in layers adsorbed in cylindrical nanopores.” (I) L. Firlej, B. Kuchta, invited lecture, UAM, Poznań, Poland (2004) 75. “Phase transitions in layers adsorbed in cylindrical nanopores – correlation with the adsorption mechanism. “ (O) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, “Kryształy Molekularne’04”, Częstochowa, Poland (2004) 74. “Modeling of adsorption in nanopores.”(I) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, G.Maurin, Conference: Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Wrocław, Poland (2004) 73.“Melting of krypton layers adsorbed in cylindrical pores.”(O) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Conference : Cryocrystals, Wrocław, Poland (2004) 72. “Low temperature phases of rare gases adsorbed on single wall carbon nanotubes.”(O) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Conference : Cryocrystals, Wrocław, Poland (2004) 71. “Low temperature specific heat of He adsorbed on carbon nanotubes. Monte Carlo simulations.”(P) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Conference : Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-8, Sedona, USA (2004) 70. “Influence of strength of atom-wall interactions on adsorption mechanism.”(O) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, G.Maurin, Conference : Fundamentals of Adsorption FOA-8, Sedona, USA (2004) 69. “Monte Carlo simulation of the He adsorbtion in carbon nanotubes.”(O) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Conference: Characterization of Porous Materials, Princeton, USA (2003) 68. “Influence of the pore wall structure on the adsorption mechanism.”(O) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Conference: Characterization of Porous Materials, Princeton, USA (2003) 67. “Melting in cofined systems .“ (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Conference: Characterization of Porous Materials, Princeton, USA (2003) 66. “Structure des parois de nanopores et mecanism d’adsorption.” (I) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Journees Simulation Numerique, Paris, France (2003) 65. “Adsorption of Krypton in MCM-41.” (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, 4rd International Conference « Cryocrystals » Munich, Allemagne (2002). 64. “Helium adsorption in single wall carbon nanotubes – Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Study.” (P) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, 4rd International Conference « Cryocrystals » Munich, Allemagne (2002). 63. “Helium adsorption in carbon nanotubes – Monte Carlo study.” (P) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, “Krysztaly Molekuarne’02”, Warszawa, Poland (2002) 62. “Modelisation of adsorbtion in porous solids : computer simulations.”(O) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, “Krysztaly Molekuarne’02”, Warszawa, Poland (2002) 61. “Rare gazes adsorption in MCM-41 porous solid. Monte Carlo simulations.” (P) B.Kuchta, Ph.Llewellyn, R.Denoyel, L.Firlej, “Krysztaly Molekuarne’02”, Warszawa, Poland (2002) 60. “Monte Carlo Simulations of Helium Adsorption in Carbon Nanotubes.” (P) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Conference on Porous Solids COPS-VI, Alicante, Espagne (2002) 59. “Adsorption of Krypton in MCM-41.” (P) B.Kuchta, Ph.Llewellyn, R.Denoyel, L.Firlej, Conference on Porous Solids COPS-VI, Alicante, Espagne (2002) 58. “An influence of the pressure on the metastability of the hcp phase of solid nitrogen.”(O) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, R.D.Etters, NATO ARW « Frontiers in high pressure physics ». Pingree Park, USA (2001) 57. “Six-state model of cyanoadamantanecrystal.MC simulations.” (P) R.Fabianski, L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Conference on Computational Physics, Aachen, Allemagne (2001).

56. “Stability of fullerene C70 intercalated with alkali metals.” (P) R.Fabianski, L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, “Krysztaly Molekuarne’00”, Kraków, Poalnd (2000) 55. “Modeling of disorder in molecular solids: 6-state model of cyanoadamantane.” (P) R.Fabianski, L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, “Krysztaly Molekuarne’00”, Kraków, Poland (2000) 54. “Oxygen diffusion into C70 thin films: experiment and computer simulations.” R.Fabianski, L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, A.Zahab, “Krysztaly Molekuarne’00”, Kraków, Poland (2000) 53. “Modeling of the dielectric response in relaxor ferroelectrics.” (O) B.Kuchta, J.-M.Debierre, L.Firlej, “Dielectrics and Related Phenomena”, Spała, Poland (2000) 52. “Monte Carlo simulations of structural and thermodynamic properties of Xe adsorbed on graphite.” (O) W.Przydrozny, B,Kuchta, L.Firlej, R.D.Etters, E.Flenner, 8th Polish-French Seminar, Czocha, Poland (2000) 51. “Computer Modeling of Disordered Molecular Solids: Cyanoadamantane 6-State Model.” (O) R.Fabianski, B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, 8th Polish-French Seminar, Czocha Poland (2000) 50. “Monte Carlo simulations of structural and thermodynamic properties of Xe clusters adsorbed on graphite.” (P) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, R.D.Etters, W.Przydrozny, E.Flenner, 3rd International Conference « Cryocrystals » Szklarska Poreba, Poland (2000). 49. “A computer simulation study of short-range order in metastable hcp phase of solid nitrogen.” (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, R.D.Etters, F.Affouard, 3rd international Conference « Cryocrystals » Szklarska Poreba, Poland(2000). 48. “Computer modeling of disordered molecular solids: Cyanoadamantane - 6-states model.” (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, R.Fabianski, and M.Descamps, Journées Simulations Numériques- Matière Condensée et Désordre - Interface Simulation/Expérience, Paris, France (2000). 47. “Computer calculations of a stability of low temperature phases of solid nitrogen.” (P) R. Fabianski, B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, R.D.Etters, 5th Conference “Computers in Chemistry”, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (1999). 46. “Computer calculations of stability of intercalated alkali-metals C70 fullerides.” (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej and R.Fabianski, « Electric and Related Properties of Organic Solids ERPOS-8», Szklarska Poreba, Poland (1999). 45. “Relationships between crystallinity, oxygen diffusion and electrical conductivity of evaporated C70 thin films.” (P) R.Fabianski , L.Firlej , A.Zahab, B.Kuchta, « Electric and Related Properties of Organic Solids ERPOS-8», Szklarska Poreba, Poland (1999). 44. „Computer calculations of stability of intercalated alkali-metals C70 fullerides.” (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej and R.Fabianski, « Disorder in Molecular Solids DISMOS-6 », Garchy, France (1999). 43. „Relationships between crystallinity, oxygen diffusion and electrical conductivity of evaporated C70 thin films.” (P) R.Fabianski , L.Firlej , A.Zahab, B.Kuchta , Disorder in Molecular Solids DISMOS-6 », Garchy, France (1999). 42. “Calculs numériques de la stabilité de phases basse température de l’azote.” (I) R.Fabianski, B.Kuchta, L.Firlej and R.D. Etters, Journées Simulations Numériques- Matière Condensée et Désordre-Interface Simulation/Expérience, Paris, France (1999). 41. “Compter calculations of a stability of low temperature phases of solid nitrogen.” R.Fabianski, B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, R.D.Etters, Conference on Computational Physics, Granada, Spain (1998). (P) 40. “A model Monte Carlo simulations of the stability of hcp/fcc structures of C60 and C70 fullerene crystals.” (P) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Conference on Computational Physics, Granada, Spain (1998). 39. “ Electrical properties of C70 intercalation compounds.”(O) L.Firlej, A.Zahab, VIIth Polish-French Seminar, Stella Maris, France (1998) 38. “Spin density distribution and the Knight shift in organic conductors X(mnt)2-Per (X = Au, Pd, Pt,Per – perylene).” (P) L.Firlej , « Kryształy Molekularne’98 », Gdansk, Poland (1998). 37. “Intercalation of C70 thin films : MxC70 (M=K, Au, Al).” (O) L.Firlej, A.Zahab, « Kryształy Molekularne’98 », », Gdansk, Poland (1998). 36. “A model Monte Carlo simulations of the stability of hcp/fcc structures of C60 and C70 fullerene crystals.” (I) B.Kuchta, L.Firlej, Journées Simulations Numériques- Interface Simulation/Expérience, Paris, France (1998). 35. “NMR study of disorder phenomena in C602([(C6H5)3P]AuCl) crystal.” (P) L.Firlej, B.Kuchta, Sz.Roszak, « Disorder in Molecular Solids DISMOS-5 », Garchy, France (1997). 34. “Spectral studies of electron-phonon coupling in C60 salts.” (P) A.Graja, S.Krol, V.N.Semkin, N.V.Drichko, J.-L.Sauvajol, L.Firlej, International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Ferromagnets, Sesimbra, Portugal (1997) 33. “Electric field induced intercalation of C70 with gold.” (P) L.Firlej, A.Zahab, NATO Advanced research Workshop « Electric and Related Properties of Organic Solids ERPOS-7 », Polanica, Poland (1996).

32. “High resolution 13C NMR study of C60-Fe complex.” (P) L.Firlej, P.Byszewski, « Kryształy Molekularne’95 », Kiekrz, Poland (1995). 31. “High temperature phases A1C60 : metals with nondegenerate delocalized electrons.” (P) N.Kirova, L.Firlej, « Kryształy Molekularne’95 », Kiekrz, Poland (1995). 30. “Field-induced metal diffusion into C60 thin films.” (O) A.Zahab, L.Firlej, F.Brocard, N.Kirova, « Kryształy Molekularne’95 », Kiekrz, Poland (1995). 29. “Field-induced Au diffusion into C60 thin films.” (P) A.Zahab, L.Firlej, F.Brocard, N.Kirova, NATO Advanced research Workshop « Photoactive Organic Materials - Science and Application », Avignon, France (1995). 28. “In-situ Raman study of C60 thin films under shear conditions.”(O) N.Millard-Pinard, A.Zahab, M.Belin, L.Firlej, P.Bernier, J.-M.Martin, Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1994). 27. „Electrical resistivity of C60 and C70 thin films.” (P) A.Zahab, F.Brocard, L.Firlej, IVth International Seminar on Highly Conducting Molecular Materials for Electronics, Zajaczkowo, Poland (1994). 26. „Intercalation dans le C60 cristallin : aspects structuraux, dynamique moléculaire et propriétés électroniques.”(O) P.Bernier, F.Rachdi, M.Ribet, A.Zahab, Z.Belahmer, L.Firlej, I.Lyuk’Yanchuk, C.Goze, Conférence « Interfaces Chimie Organique », Dinard, France, (1994). 25. „Etude par RMN du C60 intercale avec l’oxygène moléculaire.” (P) P.Bernier, Z.Belahmer, M.Ribet, L.Firlej, I.Lyuk’Yanchuk, Réunion annuelle du GDR «Composés de la famile du C60», Bierville, France, (1994). 24. „Conductivité électrique des couches minces du C70.” (O) F.Brocard, A.Zahab, L.Firlej, P.Bernier, Réunion annuelle du GDR «Composés de la famile du C60», Bierville, France, (1994). 23. “Conductivité électrique des couches minces de C60 neutres et dopées au potassium.”(O) A.Zahab, L.Firlej, F.Brocard, P.Bernier, Réunion annuelle du GDR « Composés de la famile du C60», Bierville, France, (1994). 22. “Couches minces des fullerènes et derivés.” (O) L.Firlej, A.Zahab, J.-L.Sauvajol, P.Bernier, F.Brocard, Réunion annuelle du GDR « Composés de la famile du C60», Bierville, France, (1994). 21. “Transport properties of C60 thin films.” (P) A.Zahab, L.Firlej, « Molecular Materials », Swieradow, Poland (1993). 20. “Molecular motion of C70 in the solid state by 13C high resolution NMR spectroscopy.” (O) L.Firlej, P.Bernier, A.Zahab, Z.Belahmer, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, « Molecular Materials », Swieradow, (1993). 19. „RMN 13C haute résolution - solide du fullerène C60 dopé aux métaux alcalins.”(O) F.Rachdi, J.Reichenbach, L.Firlej, P.Bernier, G.Zimmer, M.Helmle, M.Mehring, Conférence du Groupe Français de Croissance Cristalline, Orléan, France, (1993). 18. „RMN 13C haute résolution - solide du fullerène C60 dopé aux métaux alcalins.” (O) F.Rachdi, J.Reichenbach, L.Firlej, P.Bernier, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, G.Zimmer, M.Helmle, M.Mehring, Réunion annuelle du GDR « Composés de la famile du C60 », Grande Motte, France, (1992). 17. „Dépendance en température des spectres de diffusion Raman et de photoluminescence des fullerènes C60 en phase neutre et en phase dopée AxC60 (A=K, Rb, Cs).” (P) J.-L.Sauvajol, Z.Hricha, A.Zahab, F.Rachdi, L.Firlej, R.Aznar, P.Bernier, Proceedings of the conference of Société Française de Physique, Journées de la Matière Condensée, Lille, France, vol.2, 3709 (1992). 16. "NMR 13C haute résolution en phase solide de complexes defullerènes/métaux alcalins.”(P) A.Zahab, P.Bernier, F.Rachdi, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, C.Fabre, A.Rassat, Proceedings of the conference of Société Française de Physique, Journées de la Matière Condensée, Lille, France, vol.2, 3709 (1992). 15. “Molecular motion of C70 by 13C high resolution NMR.”(O) Z.Belahmer, L.Firlej, P.Bernier, A.Zahab, M.Ribet, N.Coustel, R.Aznar, Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1992). 14. “High resolution 13C-NMR investigations of potassium doped fullerenes.” (O) F.Rachdi, A.Zahab, P.Bernier, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1992) . 13. “13C high resolution NMR study of the C60 crystal polymorphism.”(O) P.Bernier, A.Zahab, Z.Belahmer, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, C.Fabre, A.Rassat, 54th APS March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA (1992). 12. “High resolution NMR of rubidium doped fullerenes.” (O) A.Zahab, P.Bernier, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, F.Rachdi, R.Aznar, C.Fabre, A.Rassat, 54th APS March Meeting, Indianapolis, USA (1992). 11. “13C high resolution NMR study of the C60 crystal polymorphism.” (P) P.Bernier, A.Zahab, Z.Belahmer, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1991). 10. “High resolution NMR of rubidium doped fullerenes.”(O) A.Zahab, P.Bernier, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, F.Rachdi, R.Aznar, C.Fabre, A.Rassat, Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1991) . 9. “13C high resolution NMR of fullerene based solids.” (O) P.Bernier, A.Zahab, L.Firlej, M.Ribet, R.Aznar, C.Fabre, A.Rassat, Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1991). 8. „Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies of pristine potassium-doped and rubidium- doped fullerenes.”(O) J.-L.Sauvajol, A.Zahab, L.Firlej, Z.Hricha, R.Aznar, P.Bernier Conference of the Material Research Society, Boston, USA (1991). 7. ”The Cn family(C60, C70, C84,...). Synthesis and general properties.”(O) P.Bernier, L.Firlej, A.Zahab, 6th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds, Orléan, France (1991). 6. „RMN du 13C haute résolution à basse température.” (O) P.Bernier, F.Rachdi, M.Ribet, L.Firlej, T.Nunes, A.Zahab, 10ième Séminaire RMN Bruker, Iles des Embiez, France (1990). 5. “13C Knight shift in substituted perylene radical cation salts.”(O) L.Firlej, P.Bernier, A.Zahab, P.Michel, A.Moradpour, P.Penven, B.Levy, 53th APS March Meeting, Annaheim, USA (1991),Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 35 (3), 736 (1990).

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